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The fifth episode, "Battle Royale," escalates the stakes as Morgana adopts the title "Mother of Monsters," signaling a dramatic shift in the power dynamics of Camelot. With the Arcane Order poised to unleash chaos, Douxie and his friends must rally their allies for an epic confrontation in King Arthur's court.

As the battle intensifies, the episode explores the complexities of Morgana's character, revealing her motivations and the internal conflict she faces. Douxie, Claire, Jim, and Steve must unite their strengths to combat the overwhelming forces of the Arcane Order while navigating the treacherous politics of Camelot.

"Battle Royale" is packed with thrilling action sequences, emotional confrontations, and unexpected twists that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The episode emphasizes themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the fight against tyranny, reinforcing the series' core message about the importance of standing together in the face of adversity.

With stunning animation and a well-crafted narrative, this episode serves as a turning point in the series, setting the stage for the climactic battles to come.