In Transformers One, the untold origin story of two iconic characters unfolds on the vibrant planet of Cybertron. Once inseparable friends, Orion Pax (voiced by Chris Hemsworth) and D-16 (Brian Tyree Henry) share a vision of a utopian world. However, their diverging ideologies lead to a catastrophic rift, setting the stage for their eventual transformation into Optimus Prime and Megatron, sworn enemies. As they navigate the complexities of friendship, ambition, and betrayal, the film explores themes of loyalty, conflict, and the consequences of choices made in the pursuit of power.
Directed by Josh Cooley, the film features a star-studded cast, including Scarlett Johansson as Elita-1 and Laurence Fishburne as Alpha Trion. With stunning animation and a compelling narrative arc, Transformers One promises to captivate audiences, delving deep into the characters' motivations and the socio-political landscape of Cybertron. As the story unfolds, viewers will witness the birth of the Autobots and Decepticons, setting the groundwork for the epic battles that define the Transformers saga. Scheduled for release on September 20, 2024, this film is poised to reignite the franchise with a fresh perspective on its beloved characters.